Unlike a typical transportation plan that identifies and plans for basic transportation needs by mode, the West Sacramento Mobility Action Plan, or MAP, takes a step further by focusing on how different modes connect and integrate in relation to one another. For example, how easy or difficult is it for a West Sacramento resident to travel car-free, or use a combination of transit, biking and walking to reach their common destinations? Are there infrastructure connections or new technologies that could make it easier for travelers to seamlessly plan for and make trips around West Sacramento?
At it's core, the MAP is all about ensuring community members have a diversity of CHOICES in how they get around, and helping to prioritize local investments that offer safe, affordable, convenient and sustainable transportation options. Creating an environment where more people feel comfortable choosing to walk, bike, or take a shared or zero-emission ride can also help to reduce traffic and related emissions, while enhancing access to daily needs and improving safety, air quality and community health outcomes.

The MAP also serves as an implementation tool of West Sacramento's forthcoming Climate Action Plan, in addition to the shared goals identified by the joint Mayors' Commission on Climate Change, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality in both West Sacramento and Sacramento by 2045. Using this framework, a sustainable mobility network is one that prioritizes active transportation as the healthiest and most efficient option, public transit and pooled shared mobility for longer trips, and zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) for trips where transit or active transportation is not a viable option.